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GSPN API Redirector for FRP,IMEI, etc operations

this post is suitable for who have samsung service center Account and want make a credit base tool

GSPN API Redirector: (developed by


  • Service center pc (valid IP to run loader)
  • webhost (u can run any domain, host)

GSPN API Redirector is complete service to making samsung public tool (for imei repair, frp, etc service) Credit base

No exist any worry about Blocking GSPN ID

follow this post to know more!

Region Limits: no exist region limit bypass in this project!, so basicly its depends on your samsung id that can service how many regions

IMEI Repair: imei feature exist in this project but as we tested with mexico service center account , no possible to change imei of device, just can repair imei, so no exist imei change limit bypass!

Unlock Network: Exist in this project.

FRP Reset: Exist in this project.

GSPN API Redirector repairs devices with the same limitations as imeicloud

However, the GSPN API Redirector is designed for public sharing (Credit-base). But how does it work?

The GSPN API Redirector consists of

  • Loader
  • UserTool
  • WebScript


This tool must run in service center pc (in validate IP), and need put USER, PASS, OTP, MOTP, and TICKETNO for login and start service

this tool connected to webhost and will get arguments from web API (Realtime) to communicate with GSPN Server to send response to webapi.

Short youtube video:


webscript consists of API(to communicate with usertool, loader), admin panel, user panel, reseller panel

you can manage your credits, users , resellers , CMDs that received from loader, logs of tool , etc



a main tool that you can release as publicly, like many credit-base tool,

this tool is work with credit base, so users must have credit to login and use tool features (frp, imei , etc)

normally , we just added FRP, IMEI repair features in this tool ,but no exist limit to adding any features that exist on IMEICLOUD in this project.


To get source code of this project, just contact us in Telegram


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