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Quectel module adb key generation algorithm

Quectel 5G module, open adb, you need to enter a key to open



import crypt

#sn = '18700338'
#sn = '40901409'
sn = '12741851'

def generateUnlockKey(sn):
    @param sn: the serial number to generate an unlock key for
    salt = "$1${0}$".format(sn)
    c = crypt.crypt("SH_adb_quectel", salt)
    print("Salt: {0}\nCrypt: {1}\nCode: {2}\n".format(salt, c, c[12:27]))
    return c[12:27]
xx = generateUnlockKey(sn)    


def old_key(salt):
    code = crypt.crypt("SH_adb_quectel", "$1$" + salt)
    #code = crypt.crypt("SH_adb_quectel", "$1$" + salt + '$')
    code = code[12:27]
    return code
yy = old_key(sn)    

print('jiandan=', yy)



using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

class Program
    static void Main()
        string sn = "12741851";
        string xx = GenerateUnlockKey(sn);

        string yy = OldKey(sn);
        Console.WriteLine("jiandan=" + yy);

    static string GenerateUnlockKey(string sn)
        string salt = "$1$" + sn;
        string key = GenerateHash("SH_adb_quectel", salt);
        string code = key.Substring(12, 15);
        Console.WriteLine("Salt: {0}\nCrypt: {1}\nCode: {2}\n", salt, key, code);
        return code;

    static string OldKey(string salt)
        string key = GenerateHash("SH_adb_quectel", "$1$" + salt);
        string code = key.Substring(12, 15);
        return code;

    static string GenerateHash(string password, string salt)
        using (var rfc2898 = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(salt), 10000, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256))
            return Convert.ToBase64String(rfc2898.GetBytes(20));

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